One of the nice perks about working at a school is that I get a spring break--two weeks, in fact, since I am at a year-round school. I had the good fortune to get invited along to a farm in the Hoopa Valley of Northern California for most of last week with a group of friends and fellow garden teachers. The experience was wonderful and rewarding: working the land and enjoying farm fresh meals in great company. The life felt very wholesome and rewarding, and I felt refreshed and re-energized after only a couple of days away. The previous three months of work and life had really worn me down for a variety of reasons, and being on the farm and traveling with friends really did the trick. Although I have spent nearly all of my life in cities, rural life has a strong pull on me: the idea of living close to the land, growing food, being attuned to the rhythms of nature and the seasons. It's hard, back-breaking work at time, and I wonder if I'm up for it. Only a few days lat...
I began this blog in 2008 while living in Oakland, CA. I've blogged about travel, working on a rice farm, and politics. After a long break, I've started blogging again. I am trying to improve as a writer, so I welcome any constructive feedback. Thanks for visiting!