A thick fog has descended over the Valley this week. At night it swirls around the trees, houses and cars on the street, imparting an eerie stillness to the neighborhood. For the past few mornings, the fog hasn't lifted in South Sutter County, imparting a mental fuzziness which requires that I consume ever more coffee. The weather makes it a good time of year to bake and make some soup. I've included a recipe below of a really tasty winter squash soup I cooked last night. First Apple Pie I've ever baked Fall colors on 2nd Ave, Oak Park, Sacramento Fall Gardening Projects The gardening never stops in the Central Valley My roommate brought masa from LA--it made delicious tortillas Here's the recipe for the soup I made. I adapted it from one I learned from Sandra Morales, who was the parent liason at Park Elementary School where I taught for almost four years. We cooked the soup on a family day around 3 years ago, and ...
I began this blog in 2008 while living in Oakland, CA. I've blogged about travel, working on a rice farm, and politics. After a long break, I've started blogging again. I am trying to improve as a writer, so I welcome any constructive feedback. Thanks for visiting!